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2015 International Green Construction CodeR (IgCCR )
The first model code focused on new and existing commercial buildings addressing affordable green building design and performance. The IgCC provides the building industry with language that both broadens and strengthens building codes in a way that will accelerate the construction of high performance, green buildings. It provides a vehicle for jurisdictions to regulate green for the design and performance of new and renovated buildings in a manner that is integrated with existing codes, allowing buildings to reap the rewards of improved design and construction practices. Includes ANSI/ASHRAE/USGBC/IES Standard 189.1-2014 for the Design of High Performance Green Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings as an alternative path of compliance.
Front Matter (Title Page, TOC, Preface and Forward) Sample pages Key Changes:Standards were added to Section 408.2.4 for infiltration rate testing for pervious pavementExterior lighting zones in Table 409.1.1 were revised and clarifiedSection 503.1 revised to require material recycling and salvaging only where salvaging and recycling facilities are available within 75 miles of the building siteThe material selection provisions of Section 505.1 were revised to allow 2 additional compliance options: Environmental Product Declarations (505.4.1) and multi-attribute standards (505.4.2)The provisions of Section 506 for low mercury content in fluorescent lamps were rewritten and clarifiedThe building envelope moisture control provisions (Section 507) were deletedEnvironmental tobacco smoke control provisions (803.3) were deletedThe acoustics provisions of Section 807 were revised to simplify, clarify and eliminate major redundanciesThe daylighting provisions of Section 807 were simplified and streamlinedA rewrite of Chapter 9 enhances commissioning provisions and streamlines and simplifies Table 903.1Basic sustainability requirements related to water and energy were added where any work is performed on an existing building that requires a permit. Similar provisions previously appeared in the IgCC Public VersionsThe existing building energy reporting requirements (Sections 1007.3.3 through 1007.3.3.3) were streamlinedAppendix A was revised to require compliance with a minimum of 3 project electives, as selected by the owner or the owners authorized agent, and now simply recognizes compliance with any other project electives that are selected by the owner and verified by the code officialIn Appendix B, the provisions for radon control in commercial buildings were deleted ISBN 978-1-60983-488-3 Publisher ICC