Description / Abstract:
This document provides the high level system requirements for
EFVS when installed in aircraft with the express purpose of
enabling specified straight-in instrument approaches with published
vertical guidance to touchdown, landing, and roll-out to a safe
taxi speed in visibility as low as 300 ft RVR (100 m) by use of an
approved EFVS without need or reliance on natural vision. This
MASPS follows from and expands upon the concepts and requirements
established under DO-315A and the precedents established under 14
CFR §91.175 (l) and (m), which identified performance standards for
an enhanced flight vision systems (EFVS) to enable approach,
landing, roll-out and taxi, down to 1000 ft (300 m) runway visual
range (RVR).
The operational concept follows a fail-operational design. The
operational scenarios used for design context and concepts
discussed in this document are written to describe the intended use
of the proposed systems and from this context, associated minimum
performance standards are derived. They do not define current or
future operational regulations or limitations of these